30 Day Diet Journey & Weight Loss Challenge

Hello fellow frugal foodies! So I’m working on a new series on my blog and I am needing your input. Every month, I want to try out a different diet and take you guys on the journey with me. Every day I will share what I ate, my thoughts, and how I am feeling. I…

Brunette’s Top Five budget Paleo Lunches

So this week, my budget blog goes paleo.  I eat semi paleo, but I could never eat that way 24/7! It just doesn’t fit into my budget right now. I do love my meat and veggies tho, and have noticed a big difference in how I feel when I cut out the extra breads/carbs and…

Brunette’s Top Five Budget Paleo Breakfast

1. 3-Ingredient Paleo Sweet Potato Waffles This recipe by Yuri Elkaim is friendly for any budget. A bag of sweet potatoes won’t break the bank, and eggs are normally something everyone has on had. Depending on what you top your waffles with, make this as cheap or not cheap as you like. The only ingredient you may…

BrunetteBudgets Talks Paleo Diet

Video by PictureFit Dieting is so difficult when on a budget. Hubby and I have been slowly changing the way we eat  for the last two years now. With me being diagnosed with PCOS, and him being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, we have cut several things from our diet. It has been a year…

Vegan Red Bean Burgers: Recipe Review

I’m not vegan, but it’s no secret that getting your hands on canned beans is a fraction of the cost of ground beef, pork, or turkey.  I have seen black bean burgers floating all around Pinterest, and one caught my eye. I didn’t have the exact ingredients on hand, but the results were pretty tasty….

DIY Lean Cuisine Teriyaki Salmon with Quinoa

So as always, I was at Aldi and found some super cheap items and decided to make a sort of diy Lean Cuisine for work lunches this week.  All it took was a box of Salmon Burgers, one box of quinoa w brown rice, and one package frozen brussel sprouts.  The Salmon Burgers were 3.99,…

PCOS: Diet Guidelines — littlemissmishap

Love these tips!  Haven’t posted a recipe in a while, so thought I would pass this along. I have been following a PCOS diet for about 10 years now.  Slowly cutting out extra carbs and processed foods.  The hardest thing for me is white bread.  I am a huge fan of all things relating to…